

190,000+ satisfied PhenQ customers

Can’t be wrong

PhenQ may not have been on the market as long as other products, but in just a few short years we’ve helped over 190,000 customers with their weight loss journey without saying goodbye to their occasional favorite treats!

Click the “order now” button and discover the metabolism-supporting power of PhenQ’s natural ingredients!

What If Our “Dream Physique” Became A Reality?

PhenQ fat burner is a safe, natural formula made with science-backed ingredients to help support peak metabolic health.

Unique NEW formula crafted to support all weight loss journeys 

Support a fiery metabolism to help incinerate excess weight 

Crush cravings to naturally suppress appetite and eat less at mealtime 

Help reduce fat accumulation for a slimmer feeling 

Balance mood and energy levels for a bigger drive & motivation 

High-quality formula produced in the US and UK in GMP-approved facilities 

PhenQ delivers multiple fat burning thermogenic ingredients in one,
easy-to-take formula!


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Easy to use formula


60 phenq diet pills per bottle


No prescription required

PhenQ targets your weight loss in five different ways:

Helps To Burn Fat Combining α-Lacys Reset®,(alpha lipoic acid, cysteine base, and magnesium) and Capsimax Powder for a profound thermogenesis-effect that has been shown in studies to help reduce excess weight, suppress appetite, and sustain all-day energy levels.[4,5,6]

Reduces Fat  AccumulationClinical research published in Bioscience Report reveals the capsaicinoids found in capsimax powder may help reduce the body’s ability to store excess fat cells, and may even stop fat cells from growing…[5] all without drastically changing one’s eating habits.

Crushes Food CravingsNatural chromium picolinate + nopal cactus + natural caffeine helps to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce cravings for sweets and carbs, and promote a feeling of fullness.[7]

Boost energy The unique blend of high-grade, metabolism-supporting ingredients— including natural caffeine and Capsimax powder— helps to “stoke” our thermogenic fireplace [9] by skyrocketing our energy levels naturally.[11]

Balances Mood Struggle with daily mental fatigue? We added the naturally-occurring amino acid, l-carnitine, to our PhenQ formula to give cognitive support [8] and keep you feeling motivated and positive while shedding the excess weight.

By combining all of these powerful health benefits into one, simple formula, PhenQ helps make healthy weight management straightforward, simple, and saves you from wasting time & money on several products!

Ditch The Cheap 1-Ingredient Fat-Burners…

And Achieve 5X Weight Loss Efforts

What Makes PhenQ Unlike Any Other Weight Management Formula?

PhenQ is made with a special combination of metabolism-supporting, natural ingredients at just the right measurements.
This includes the patented a-LACYS RESET® which has been shown in studies to boost slimming efforts naturally.[4,5,6]

α-LACYS RESET® – Backed By Real Science

Developed using cutting-edge science and research, trademarked formula α-Lacys Reset® has been shown to help boost metabolic response[4] — and in turn— trigger natural thermogenesis to help shed excess and unwanted weight for a slimmer look and feel!

In one placebo-controlled study [4] , individuals who were given α-Lacys Reset® experienced better weight loss efforts, more energy, improved recovery after exercise, and a noticeably lesser appetite than the placebo group.

 4,400.00  5,600.00


अचम्मको कुरा, तौल घटाउन मानिसलाई किन मुस्किल भैरहेको छ ? यो एक संघर्ष हो, समयको बाधा, अस्वस्थकर खाना, र कसरत व्यायाम गर्न नसक्नु हो । अब फेनक्यू लिनुहोस, वजन घटाने यात्राको सुरुवात गर्नुहोस । तर के यो वजन घटाउन बनाइएको एक सप्लीमेन्ट हो ? फेनक्यू लिनुहोेस्, यस सप्लिमेन्टले तपाईंको वजन घटाने सपनालाई साहाकार बनाउछ । फेनक्यू तौल घटाउने एक सप्लिमेन्ट हो । यस्मा धेरै प्राकृतिक जडीबुटीको मिश्रण छ, यस्मा धेरै जडीबुटीहरु समाबेस गरिएको छ यसमा छ लेसीको रिसेट, क्याप्सोम्याक्स पाउडर, क्याल्सियम कार्बोनेट, क्रोमियम पिकोलिनेट Sudh Nutmeg Black Pepper ,gooseberry र क्याफिन । फेनक्यूले अनावश्यक बोसोलाई पगालेर बाहिर निकाल्छ । प्रत्येक हर्मनले मिलेर काम गर्दछ, फेनक्यू वजन घटाने एक बिशो प्रशिध सप्लिमेन्टे हो । त्यसोभए फेन क्यूले कसरी वजन घटाउ छ ? फेनक्यूले अतिरिक्त वजन कम गर्न पाँच फरक तरिकामा काम गर्दछ । पहिलो, यसले तपाईंको शरीरको मेटाबोलिक र थर्मोजेनिक बढाएर बोसोलाई पगाल्छ । हो, यो सहि हो, यसले तपाईंको शरीरको अनावश्यक बोसो पगाल्छ । दोस्रो, फेनक्यूले तपाइँको भोकलाई कम गर्छ, क्यालोरी सेवन कम गर्न मद्दत गर्छ । तेस्रो, यसले बोसो उत्पादनलाई रोक्छ, यसले गर्दा वजन बढाउन रोक्छ । चौथो, यसले ऊर्जामा सुधार गर्छ, सक्रिय राख्छ र थप क्यालोरीहरू नस्ट गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ । समग्रमा, फेनक्यू लिने सोच बनाउनुहोस र वजन घटाने यात्रालाई अझ सुखद बनाउनुहोस । यस्ले तौल घटाउने मात्र होइन, पुरै शरीरलाई स्वस्थ बनाउछ । तपाई पनि सुरक्षित र प्रभावकारी ढङ्गले आप्नो वजन घटाउन चाहनुहुन्छ भने आजै फेनक्यू अर्डर गरी प्रयोग गर्नुहोस । यस वईटलस फेनक्यू अर्डर गर्न massage वा मांथिको नम्बरमा सम्पर्क गर्नु होला साथै Google मा www.Phenq.com search गर्नु होला ! अल नेपाल होम डेलिभरीको व्यवस्था छ


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